Why Identity Theology?
We are in a bewildering cultural shift, and we’ve been in it for so long that it feels normal. Politics and education, religion and tradition, gender and sexuality—even social queues (thanks covid)—are in a constant state of flux.
These times are particularly disorienting for Christians as we seek to live in a world that, though created by our historic beliefs and values, is self-consciously rejecting those same beliefs and values.
Identity Theology is a diagnosis and a response.
The diagnosis; we are experiencing a culture-wide redefining of the nature of identity. We are literally reinventing what it means to be human.
The response; a Scripture-grounded worldview that perceives issues and events through the lens of the pursuit of identity.
At stake? The future. If it feels like a battle, that’s because it is. What we decide humanity is will determine the world we create.
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About Ben Karuhije
I am a son of God, a son of Alphonse and Thacienne, a husband, a father, and a pastor. I was born in Paris, raised in Africa, and grew up in Canada. I have been a refugee, an immigrant and an orphan. Though all of this has shaped my identity, I owe who I am to the Spirit of sonship who speaks through Scripture.
I married my wife Sarah in 2012, and each year I become more thankful that she said yes! In 2021, we welcomed our son Moses Alphonse, and words cannot express how grateful I am for the gift he is.
I love the Church. My love for her is one that is strengthened by tests and trials, and I echo the passion (though perhaps not the principle) of Cyprian when he declared “No one can have God for his Father, who does not have the Church for his mother”.
In 2017 I became the founding pastor of Cities Church, a church planting movement with an outrageous vision in whose fulfilment I have no doubt.
I believe that the Scriptures are authoritative, inspired and inerrant. I love them, and I love Jesus.
I believe God is moving, and I long to be right in the middle of His activity.